Are you a Boss?
While minding my own business (aka surfing Pinterest) I ran across these quotes and hastags for #bossbabe. Soon as I started reading I wanted to explore more. And let me tell you why. I have been embracing an all new attitude ever since March and I can't exactly explain why it happened but it seemed as if for the first time everything seemed clear and the fog was lifted. You know? Maybe now that I’m progressing through life I've been putting more energy into defining what I want and going after it. Which also affected my thoughts on romantic relationships.
Not to get too personal, but like every other woman in the world I was very focused on always having or chasing a romantic relationship. Now I always did things for myself and never put my life on hold, but there were times when I stayed with a man who did not deserve me. After that I really started focusing on myself and what I wanted my life to become. Who I wanted to become. And I may be going off on a tangent here but this new perspective also changed the way I looked at romantic relationships between two people (mainly between men and women, but this has been my own personal experience, so sorry if I can't offer a broader perspective here).
I see a lot of women "get lost" in relationships and it saddens me. To see them get so "caught up" that they are no longer doing things for themselves. They stop, put off their dreams or worse, lose their identity in someone else. Now this isn't everyone, I get that, but I wish these women in particular realized how powerful they really are but I know it's hard when society constantly points at us as being the lesser gender. People still say the happiest day of a woman's life is her wedding day but why not the day she made CEO? or launched a business for herself? or discovered what she really wanted for herself? I do want someone to share my life with, sure! But I also don't want to put myself in a position where my partner has power over me or is holding me back. At the end of the day we all have a time stamp and when your time is up you will have to be satisfied with the choices you made and the life you led. I don't want to regret putting my life on hold or never fully reaching my potential because I "met" someone. At the end of the day I have to ask the question, "Am I happy this very moment?" Only I am responsible for my own happiness and if someone wants to join me they have to be okay with that too. I will never stop chasing independence and I know I won't be satisfied until I achieve it.
That's what I think a #BossBabe is.